The initiative to adopt VKARD and its digital business cards was launched by their investor, marking a turning point for Qolibris into a new era of sustainability.
Previously, their approach to sharing business contact details had been tedious and awkward during appointments. Their commitment to avoiding the use of paper business cards led them to share their website, Linkedin profile or demo without any fluidity in exchanges.
With VKARD’s digital business cards, a noticeable change was made in the way they communicated: it became easier to pass on contact details and present their website at meetings. This step forward not only supported their commitment to a sustainable future, but also aroused the curiosity and interest of their interlocutors, making it easier to share contacts.
The use of VKARDs has enabled them to increase the number of contacts they make, and to make it a systematic reflex. For example, at the end of a customer lunch, it’s sometimes awkward to get out the phone to exchange numbers; the VKARD has on several occasions been an innovative and rapid pretext for this kind of occasion.
VKARD’s distinction from conventional card-sharing methods lies in its ease of use, its digital approach, and the speed with which information can be shared. VKARD is precisely what a modern, environmentally conscious company needs.
Easy, digital, fast!
Salma Bouchiba, Co-founder – Managing Director
In conclusion:
Integrating VKARD into their business routine has profoundly and positively affected their team. Not only has this adoption enabled them to promote innovation and sustainability, but it has also improved the management of their business contacts, making interactions not only more efficient but also environmentally friendly.